The Ghost on the Wind

09 Jun

I came across this great pirate poem today and decided to share it with you

The Ghost on The Wind

Like a ghost on the wind
He comes from the sea,
And trembles the foe
Like a storm on the lee.

With swashbuckling swagger
And a Jolly Roger laugh,
He flies the black flag
On a whalebone staff.

He has a black-patched eye
And a ring in his ear,
And on his wind-burned face,
A crusty-grizzled beard.

With a bone-cold glare
And a sneer on his lip,
He has a cannon by his side
And a cutlass in his grip.

With a thunderous blast
From his cannon’s might,
He shivers the strong
And cripples their fight.

He takes what he’s lost
And turns it to gold,
For He’s crafty and shrewd
And He’s fearless and bold.

He’s dashing and daring,
A fierce buccaneer,
For the sight of his plunder
Pales many with fear.

From East Carolina
Victories are told
Of the Spirit of the Pirate
And his purple and gold!

Alfred H. Lockamy 2005

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Posted by on June 9, 2014 in poems


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